
Monday, May 31, 2010

The Guardian calling Israel a "Pariah State"

Gaza: From blockade to bloodshed | Editorial

The Guardian Editorials Tue 1 Jun 2010 01:23 BST

Nothing has done more to establish Israel's status as a pariah state among its neighbours than the actions of its armed forces

If an armed group of Somali pirates had yesterday boarded six vessels on the high seas, killing at least 10 passengers and injuring many more, a Nato taskforce would today be heading for the Somali coast. What happened yesterday in international waters off the coast of Gaza was the work of Israeli commandos, not pirates, and no Nato warships will in fact be heading for Israel. Perhaps they should be.

Nothing has done more to establish Israel's status as a pariah state among its neighbours than the actions of its armed forces. Israel's navy said it met with "pre-planned violence" when it boarded the ships and opened fire in the middle of the night. Their intention was to conduct a mass arrest, but the responsibility for the bloodshed was entirely theirs. Having placed themselves in a situation where they lost control and provoked a riot, the Israeli navy said they were forced to open fire to avoid being lynched. What did the commandos expect pro-Palestinian activists to do once they boarded the ships – invite them aboard for a cup of tea with the captain on the bridge? One of those shot and severely wounded was a Greek captain, who refused medical aid in Israel and demanded to be flown back to Greece. Presumably he, too, was threatening the lives of Israeli naval commandos.

There was nothing on board those ships that constituted a threat to Israel's security, so Binyamin Netanyahu's argument that his troops were acting in self-defence has no validity. They should not have been there in the first place. The convoy was carrying construction materials, electric wheelchairs and water purifiers for Gaza's people. This was recognised by the Israeli navy, who said in a statement that it had offered to transfer the aid by land to Gaza. Four years into a blockade mounted ostensibly to prevent weapons from being smuggled into the enclave, this claim, too, is utterly specious. Two years of pressure from Washington failed to persuade Israel to let these construction materials in, for the benefit of the 5,000 families still in tents after the ruin wreaked by Operation Cast Lead. If Israel was so obdurate to the entreaties of its ally, why would it now acquiesce in the demands of its enemies? The fact is that Israel has used its blockade not only to prevent Hamas from rearming, but also to impose collective punishment – as a boot which it applied to the Palestinian throat. This pressure on the jugular has the opposite of its intended effect. Defiance has only grown in Gaza, and the Islamic resistance movement is reaping the benefits – as any Fatah man will admit.

In one operation Israel has destroyed whatever hold it had over the international community on Gaza. It is not simply the fury that it has created in Turkey, which will only grow as the bodies of its dead are buried. Egypt too is complicit, because its government has sealed the southern border of the Gaza strip. It has done so amid mounting popular opposition, and as a nervy transfer of power in Cairo is about to take place. The Egyptian government will not welcome the intense embarrassment that Israel has caused it. There were many calls yesterday for the siege to be lifted, notably from Britain's new foreign secretary William Hague. After what Nick Clegg, his coalition partner wrote in this newspaper about Gaza last year, he could hardly do otherwise. But as Mr Clegg said, it is action, not words, that counts now.

The blockade should end, but that will only be the start of the U-turn which is now required. Closely allied to Gaza's physical isolation is its political one. The international consensus is also crumbling on isolating Hamas by insisting it recognise Israel before it is allowed to join a national unity government with Fatah. Russia broke the taboo first two week ago when its president, Dmitry Medvedev, met Khaled Meshal, the Hamas leader in Damascus, but other countries in Europe are now planning to follow suit. Brick by brick, this policy is coming apart, and in a strange way Israel is helping.

The New Israeli Flag

Netanyahu no stranger to crises

FACTBOX-Netanyahu no stranger to crises
31 May 2010 18:32:32 GMT
Source: Reuters
JERUSALEM, May 31 (Reuters) - The death of at least 10 foreign activists in a raid by Israeli naval commandos on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla was the latest incident to sour Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political career.

Following are some of the crises that have plagued him through two terms as Israel's leader.


* 1993 - In a race for the leadership of the right-wing Likud party, Netanyahu admits on television to an extramarital affair, believing a rival politician was about to disclose the infidelity. The politician said he had no such plans and many in Israel believe that Netanyahu panicked.


* 1996 - In his first term as prime minister, Netanyahu orders the opening of an archaeological tunnel under a site in Jerusalem's walled Old City that is holy to both Muslims and Jews. The decision sparked violence in which more than a dozen Israelis and some 70 Palestinians were killed. As was the case with the interception of the Gaza aid ships, Netanyahu was on an overseas visit when the bloodshed began.


* 1997 - Israeli Mossad agents botch the poisoning of Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Jordan. Two Mossad assassins are captured by Jordanian authorities. They are sent home after Israel frees jailed Hamas co-founder Ahmed Yassin. Israel also has to give Jordan an antidote to save Meshaal's life. The agents had entered Jordan on forged Canadian passports, which sparked a diplomatic spat with Ottowa. As prime minister, Netanyahu was criticised at home for ordering the assassination.


* March-May 2010 - Britain and Australia expel Israeli diplomats after concluding that Israel had forged British and Australian passports used by assassins to kill a Hamas commander in Dubai. Israel has neither confirmed or denied a role in the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in his hotel room in January, 10 months into Netanyahu's second term as prime minister. Britain said such misuse of British passports was "intolerable". Australia said it was not the behaviour of "a nation with whom we have had such a close, friendly and supportive relationship".


* March 2010 - Israel announces plans, during visit by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, to build 1,600 homes for Jews in an area of the West Bank annexed by Israel. The announcement triggers unusually harsh criticism from the United States in March. Washington said it damaged its efforts to revive the Middle East peace process.U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the project was an insult. Netanyahu says he was blindsided by planning bureaucrats and apologises to Biden.


* Hours after Israeli commandos storm the flotilla in an operation in which 10 international activists are killed, Netanyahu cuts short a visit to Canada and cancels planned talks on Tuesday with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington.

Israeli Leadership Faces Fallout from Flotilla Action -

Saturday, May 29, 2010


أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا كان فى هروبك حياة جديدة لكبريائك ، وكرامتك التى أهدرت تحت مسميات الحب والحنين والغيرة ومصطلحات أخرى مزخرفة لا إنتهاء لها ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بأن الحزن بدأ ينسج خيوطه حول قلبك النقي 
ويخنق بقايا الفرح فيك وبأنهم أصبحوا مصدرا عظيما 
لهذا الحزن ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بأن احساسك تجاههم غباء وخيالك بهم غباء ولهفتك عليهم غباء لا يفوقه غباء وبأنك بدأت تتحول مع الوقت الى مهرج مضحك ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بأن الطريق المؤدى إليهم بدأ يشعر بك وبأن الأرض التي تقف عليها أمامهم بدأت تشعر بك وبأن الجدران المحيطة بك معهم بدأت تشعر بك ومازالوا هم في طور اللاشعور بك ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت أن المنطق يرفض إحساسك وبأن قيمك ترفض إحساسك وبأن نقاءك يرفض إحساسك وبأن إحساسك يرفض نفسه ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا ضاق عليك الحلم وضاق عليك الأمل وضاق عليك النبض وضاق عليك المكان وضاعت ملامح الزمان في عينيك ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا أكسبوك عادات الحزن وفتحوا قابليتك للألم ودربوك على الحزن والإنكسار وعلموك البكاء بلا انتهاء ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بأنك فجرت ينابيع الغرور في داخلهم وبأنك ضخمتهم حد الانفجار وتقزمت أمامهم حد التلاشي فأصبحوا أضخم من أن يروك أمامهم وأصبحت أصغر من أن تراهم ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا لاحظت أنك بدأت تتلوث كي تصل إليهم وبدأت لا تشبه نفسك كي ترضيهم وبدأت ترقص فوق النار كي تبهرهم وبدأت تخون كي تلفت انتباههم .. 

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا أصبح ليلك في بعدهم نارا عظيمة وأصبح يومك معهم نارا أعظم وأصبحت تضاريس وقتك وسويعاته معاناة لا تنتهي ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا اكتشفت أن شيئا ما في داخلك بدأ أن يموت وأن شيئا ما فيك بدأ يذبل كالورد المقطوف وإنك بدأت تنتهي كالسراب في آخر الطريق ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا لاحظتهم يتلذذون بإذلالك ويتعمدون نكرانك ويقفزون فوق رفت حلمك الجميل بهم وكأنهم أصدروا حكما خفيا بإعدامك ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب 
إذا لمحت أثار البكاء عليهم فوق وسادتك أو شعرت بسمهم يسرى في عروق قلبك أو اكتشف خنجرهم الغادر في ظهرك المطمئن لهم ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا سمعتهم يتهامسون بما ليس فيك ويلصقون بك من التهم ما لا تعلم ويقذفونك بالباطل ويرمون براءتك بذنب الذئب ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا أصبح إحساسك فانوسا مشتعلا في عينيك وأصبح صوتك المرتعش لا يعبر عنك وأصبح صمتك المصطنع لا يسترك.. 

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا طال انتظارك فوق محطات صراعهم ولمحت قطارات أيامك
تفر أمامك كالجواد الغاضب وشعرت بأن لا شيء بقى معك سوى ظلك المنطفئ ..

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بأنهم بدؤوا يسيئون فهمك ويمزقون تاريخك 
ويشوهون عراقة إحساسك ويطفئون مصابيح طريقك إليهم.. 

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إذا شعرت بان نفسك لا تستحق منك كل هذا الشقاء 
وبأنهم لا يستحقون منك كل هذا الإحساس ..

وإذا شعرت بهذه الأسباب :

أهـ ـ ـ ـ ـرب
إلى الله .. ارجع إليه ..
لأنك وصلت لمرحلة ذابت فيها الذات 
واختفى كل أمل لديك سوى الأمل بخالقك

a British journalist overwhelmed by the sound of Adhan in Saudi .

Friday, May 28, 2010

فتيات عربيات ينضممن للمناورة الاسرائيلية ويرتدي جزء منهن الحجاب تحت الخوذه العسكرية

فتيات عربيات ينضممن للمناورة الاسرائيلية ويرتدي جزء منهن الحجاب تحت الخوذه العسكرية

تاريخ النشر : 2010-05-26
القراءة : 18507

فتيات عربيات ينضممن للمناورة الاسرائيلية ويرتدي جزء منهن الحجاب تحت الخوذه العسكرية 

كبر الخط صغر الخط استعادة الافتراضي

غزة-دنيا الوطن
الى جانب المناورات الجبهة الداخلية التي وصفت بالاكبر منذ قيام اسرائيل تجري وحدات انقاذ التابعه لقيادة الجبهة الداخلية تدريباتها الخاصة وفقا لصحيفة يديعوت احرونوت الناطقة بالعبرية . 

والغريب في الخبر ان تلك الوحدات وهي وحدات عسكرية بكل ما للكلمة من معنى تضم بين صفوفها فتيات عربيات من قرى المثلث وعلى وجه الخصوص من قرية كفر قاسم وقرية برا ويرتدي جزء منهن الحجاب تحت الخوذه العسكرية .

وتقطن المجندات، انوار، ريم، فاطمة، وصال، في قريتي كفر قاسم وبرا في مناطق 48 يخدمن في السرية التابعه لقراهن والمربطة باربع سرايا تنفيذية اخرى تابعه للجبهة الداخلية ويخدم بها بعض العرب وفقا للصحيفة التي اشارت الى ان المجندات العربيات يرتدين البزة العسكرية الاسرائيلية فيما ترتدي بعضهن الى جانب البزة الحجاب الاسلامي .

وقالت وصال البالغه من العمر 32 عاما ليديعوت احرونوت " لم يكن من السهل على ارتداء البزة العسكرية لكن حين انكسر الجليد اكتشفت بان الامر ليس بالقضية الكبيرة ولكن واجهتني مشكلة جيث انني فتاة متدينة ولا ارتدي البنطال ولكن ومن اجل التدريبات المتعلقة بالانقاذ وافقت على ارتداء البنطال وعدت الى البيت بالبزة العسكرية وحين شاهدني اطفالي وزوجي قالوا لي – كل احترم – ".

واستذكرت وصال الايام الاولى حين طرحت الفكرة حيث لم يرغب احد في التطوع وبكل صعوبة تم تجنيد 50 متطوعا ولكن بعد ان انهينا التدريبات فجأة اصبح هناك الكثير ممن يرغبون في التطوع ".

فيما قالت الطالبة في كلية الطب والمجندة " ريم " والبالغه من العمر 21 عاما وتتمنطق بالحجاب الاسلامي " انضممت لوحدة الانقاذ حتى اساعد ابناء الانسانية ومساعدة كل انسان لكونه انسانا فقط ولكن التدريب كان صعبا وقاسيا ".

اصغر المجندات هي فاطمة ابنة 16 عاما ونصف وهي طالبة متفوقة وتتحضر لدراسة الطب وتؤكد انها ستستمر في الخدمة حتى بعد تخرجها من كلية الطب واضافت قائلة " ابي وامي شجعوني ومنحوني الكثير من القوة وكذلك زميلاتي في الصف في مدرسة كفر قاسم اهتتمن جدا حين شاهدنني ارتدي البزة العسكرية ".

وجاء تجنيد الفتيات العربية باشراف وتوجية الضابط سليم وهبه قائد منطقة المثلث في الجبهة الداخلية وكانت مبادرته الاولى عام 2009 " اخترقنا الحواجز اننا نختط سنة جديدة تتعلق بالخدمة الوطنية " قال سليم وهبة متفاخرا بانجازه .

ومن ناحيته قا ل رئيس بلدية كفر قاسم ، نادر صرصور ، للصحيفة " حين طرحت الفكرة اصريت بان يكون اول المجندين من ابناء قريتي لان هذا العمل يهدف الى حماية ورفاهية السكان ونحن كقادة علينا اتخاذ القرارات وعدم الانجرار وراء التصريحات الفارغه من اي مضمون ".

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Israel has denied entry to a Detroit university student of Palestinian

DETROIT - Israel has denied entry to a Detroit university student of Palestinian descent travelling there for a study-abroad program. Arab-American and civil rights groups plan to protest the decision Thursday.

Abeer Afana, a 21-year-old Wayne State University student, was detained May 16 at the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv as she tried to enter the country on her U.S. passport. She was then returned to the United States.

U.S.-born Afana of the Detroit suburb of Novi was part of a monthlong program designed to examine conflict and co-operation among Israelis and Palestinians. Seven other American students were admitted, including Jews and Arabs.

Afana was sent home because her parents were from the Gaza Strip and she had once held a Palestinian passport.

In Tel Aviv, Israeli Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad told The Associated Press that Afana was told she had to enter Israel from Jordan, via the Allenby Crossing, because she is a Palestinian with a Palestinian identity number. She said it does not matter that the student was born in the U.S.

"Anyone with an active Palestinian identity number ... has to go through Allenby," Haddad said. "It was not a denial of entry in principle," she said, adding that the rule has been in effect for "many years."

The U.S. Department of State's consular affairs website warns travellers that Israel will "consider as Palestinian anyone who has a Palestinian identification number, was born in the West Bank or Gaza, or was born in the United States but has parents or grandparents who were born or lived in the West Bank or Gaza."

It says such Americans must travel to Israel using their Palestinian passports, regardless of their U.S. citizenship, and that they "may be barred from entering or exiting Israel, the West Bank or Gaza."

The Palestine Cultural Office, Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, National Lawyers Guild and other organizations said they would hold a news conference Thursday afternoon at Detroit's U.S. courthouse. Afana is expected to attend.

Bob Thomas, Wayne State's dean of liberal arts and sciences, said the university is "meticulous" about ensuring that students are travelling on valid passports.

"We want to do things correctly. We are trying to do things in good faith," Thomas said.

Thomas said Afana is an ideal candidate for the program, which has students interacting with Israelis and Palestinians.

"She's exactly the kind of student we hope will be involved," he said.

"We've consciously tried to involve students from the various backgrounds that are representative of our region and that region," he said.

Two messages were left by The Associated Press for Afana.

"The issue itself, the whole conflict, is so complex and hard to understand," Afana told the Detroit Free Press. "But I feel like you can't understand it unless you see for yourself what's going on."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Report On Israel

CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 14:44:41 GMT
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International lawyer Franklin Lamb
A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt over Israel's survival beyond the next 20 years.

The CIA report predicts "an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region."

The study, which has been made available only to a certain number of individuals, further forecasts the return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of two million Israeli - who would move to the US in the next fifteen years.

"There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than 300,000 living in the area of just California," International lawyer Franklin Lamb said in an interview with Press TV on Friday, adding that those who do not have American or western passport, have already applied for them.

"So I think the handwriting at least among the public in Israel is on the wall...[which] suggests history will reject the colonial enterprise sooner or later," Lamb stressed.

He said CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the apartheid government in South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, suggesting the end to the dream of an 'Israeli land' would happen 'way sooner' than later.

The study further predicts the return of over one and a half million Israelis to Russia and other parts of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births whereas a rise in the Palestinian population.

Lamb said given the Israeli conduct toward the Palestinians and the Gaza strip in particular, the American public -- which has been voicing its protest against Tel Aviv's measures in the last 25 years -- may 'not take it anymore'.

Some members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have been informed of the report.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel glorifies its own murderers

Israel glorifies its own murderers
The Palestinian Authority canceled a ceremony for Dalal Mughrabi, yet in 2006, Israelis honored the terrorists who killed 92 people in the 1948 King David Hotel bombing.

By Christopher Hazou
March 25, 2010 | 1:48 p.m.
In their March 17 Times Op-Ed article, "Why glorify the murderers?" Ron Kehrmann, Yossi Mendelevich and Yossi Zur make a number of misleading statements and remove all historical context in their effort to demonize Palestinians as people who hate Israeli children more than they love their own.

To begin with, the Palestinian Authority did not "decide to honor" Dalal Mughrabi, as the authors claim; the decision was made by a lower-level municipal council. The Palestinian Authority, in fact, canceled the public ceremony that was planned. Moreover, the square in question has not been renamed after Mughrabi.

The personal pain Kehrmann, Mendelevich and Zur have suffered as parents who lost children in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be minimized or dismissed. But if Israelis are so concerned about the glorification of "terrorists," they should start cleaning up their own backyard.

To cite just one example of many, in July 2006 a plaque was unveiled in Jerusalem's King David Hotel honoring the men of the Irgun terrorist group who bombed the hotel in 1948, killing 92 people. In response, the British ambassador to Israel issued a statement declaring, "We do not think that it is right for an act of terrorism, which led to the loss of many lives, to be commemorated." Among those attending the ceremony honoring the mass murderers was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. One of the perpetrators of the crime was on hand to provide guided tours.

Irgun's leader, Menachem Begin, would go on to be elected prime minister of Israel, as would his fellow pre-1948 Zionist terrorist leader Yitzhak Shamir. Both men were responsible for the murder of far more innocents than Mughrabi, both men were unrepentant, and both men are honored in myriad ways in Israel today.

Yet there is one major difference between these two cases: The plaque honoring the bombers of the King David Hotel remains in place, whereas the official ceremony to honor Mughrabi was canceled.

For more than 60 years, Palestinians have been dispossessed, imprisoned, tortured, assassinated, walled up in ghettos, bombed, shelled and laid siege to. This is the world that Palestinian children grow up in, one molded and controlled by Israel. Last year, more than 300 Palestinian children were killed during Israel's three-week military onslaught against the Gaza

Strip, according to Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem.

Israelis and their supporters often accuse Palestinians of teaching their sons and daughters to hate and kill, but nothing fuels Palestinian anger and resentment more than Israeli policies and actions that strip them of their freedom, dignity and humanity.

The Palestine Liberation Organization and its leadership have renounced the use of violence in our struggle for freedom and self-determination, but we do not forget those who gave their lives for our people, just as Israelis do not forget those who sacrificed themselves in the Zionist campaign for statehood.

Unfortunately, rather than scratching below the surface of stereotypes of Palestinians as violent savages to discover the underlying causes of their hostility toward Israel, the authors of the Op-Ed article regurgitate stale and offensive propaganda that aims to "prove" that "Palestinian society glorifies terrorists and murderers."

Israelis who are truly concerned about the safety and future of their children should be working to change their government's policies rather than perpetuating racist stereotypes, which does nothing to advance the cause of mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence in the long term.

Israel is ,itself, a caricature

Israel is ,itself, a caricature
of a faked- history.

Israel needs to build more illegal settlements
because, Iran shall one day
have a nuclear bomb.

Israel invaded the Lebanon 6
because, Palestinians are daring to ask for their National-rights

Israel besieges and starves Gaza
because, Hamas has won one fair election.

Israel gets huge financial support
from the USA
because, the Dead-Sea is very salty.

Israel is called the "only democracy "
because , the USA supports all the other dictatorships.

All the Jews worldwide may immigrate to Palestine
because, the Palestinians were thrown out of it
and may not
even return..........

652 Check points are needed in the Occupied-Palestine
because,� Palestinians do move from one village to another.

Because, this Absurdity is well armed and is so
everyone else must suffer 
and then eventually be declared illogical or illegal.

Israeli-Conclusions :
A new wall must also surround� Iran
all Palestinian must join the Eskimos
Lebanese waters must be channelled into� Israel
The Pyramids must be returned to Israel
The White house kitchens must turn Kosher.

Ironically, while Jewish people celebrating this day "[Independence Day Celebrated at synagogue]".(local 7, April 20)]. The Palestinian people call it "Naksa" or catastrophic day. On this day Palestinias towns and villages were destroyed and their peolpe killed to estabished what we call Israel. There are more than four million Palestinian living in refugee camps while waiting to go back and live in their homeland their forced to leave.

Ironically, while Jewish people celebrating this day  "[Independence Day Celebrated at synagogue]".(local 7, April 20)]. The Palestinian people call it "Naksa" or catastrophic day. On this day Palestinias towns and villages were destroyed and their peolpe killed to estabished what we call Israel. There are more than four million Palestinian living in refugee camps while waiting to go back and live in their homeland their forced to leave.

A Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith

A Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith 
But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist! 

A nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God, 
But, then, if a daughter of Muslim-Ummah does the same, why is she 

When a western woman stays at home to look after her house and kids she is 
respected by the entire society because of sacrificing her life to her 

But when a Muslim woman does so by her will, they say, "she needs to be 

Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights 
and freedom? 
But when a Muslim Girl/Lady wears Hijab, they prevent her from entering 
the university! 

When a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential and talent.. 

But when he dedicates himself to Islam he is hopeless! 

When a Jew kills someone, religion is not mentioned, but when a Muslim is 
charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to trial! 
< BR>When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and 
everyone respects him. 

But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his 
brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, 
and his mosque being violated --- He gets the title of 'terrorist'! Why? 
Because he is a "Muslim"! 

When there is trouble, we accept any solution available, right? However, 
if the solution lies in Islam, we refuse to take a look at it. 
When s omeone drives a perfect car in an improper manner, no one blames 
the car.... 

But when any Muslim makes a mistake or treats people in a bad manner - 
people say "Islam is the reason"!

Without giving a glance at Islamic laws, people believe what the 
newspapers say. 

But question what the Holy QURAN says!